You'll reach the "Advanced settings' page after setting up the updates frequency, right before saving the Action. Below are the available settings you can utilize.


Redirect customers when a product is hidden

Some stores may have links to their products stored somewhere else for the purpose of redirecting customers to their online store. For example, if a store uses a catalog with buttons that takes customers to the online store when clicked. If that product was hidden because it is out of stock or low on stock, and then the customer clicks on that button, they will encounter an error since the product page does not exist. To avoid that kind of scenario, Stockhide's advanced settings allows you to redirect those product links somewhere else. Below are your options:

  1. Redirect your customers to the home page. Learn more.
  2. Redirect your customers to a specific Shopify page. Learn more.
  3. Redirect your customers to an alternative product's page. Learn more.
  4. Redirect your customers to a blog post. Learn more.
  5. Redirect your customers using a custom url. Learn more.


Automatically Tag Products based on the Action

  1. Automatically add tags to products that were hidden by Stockhide. Learn more. 
  2. Automatically add tags to products that were pushed down by Stockhide. Learn more.
  3. Automatically add tags to products that were made visible by Stockhide. Learn more.
  4. Avoid products from being made visible again. Learn more.