Step 1: Creating an action

  1. On the StockHide Dashboard, click on “Create a New Action” button on the top right.
  2. Choose "Hide or push down products based on their attributes".
  3. Give your action a name.

Step 2: Adding products to an action

There are 5 ways to target products based on their attributes. View each guide to learn more.

  1. Targeting products that are missing attributes. Learn more.
  2. Targeting products that does not have a specific tag. Learn more.
  3. Targeting products that has a specific tag. Learn more.
  4. Targeting products that has a specific attribute. Learn more.
  5. Targeting products using multiple conditions. Learn more.

Next steps

After you have performed the above mentioned steps, there are other conditions that you can set before completing the creation of an action.

  1. Optional - Setting notification emails whenever an action is triggered. Click here for the guide.
  2. Optional - Setting whether to hide or push down products. Click here for the guide.
  3. Required - Setting the schedule or frequency for when you want the action to be triggered. Click here for the guide.

Once done with the above steps, just click on the "Next step" button to proceed.